Part Time vs Full Time Student – Decide What You Prefer!

Balancing your studies alongside a full-time job is no easy feat. The pace of your education as well as the mode of studying you choose plays a big role in your learning experience, so it is best to not rush the process of making a decision. This is especially true when pursuing such a high level of education. In this article, we go over the differences of full time versus part time study for a PhD student, as well as the unique pros and cons that a part time degree versus a full-time degree holds.

If you are a professional considering a masters degree online from AMA, then this is the perfect article for you. Read on and find out the major differences of being a full time versus part time student so you can make the best decision for both your professional and educational life!

Why Should I Risk Being a Student Again?

We know that having to choose between being a student full time or part time is a tough decision. However, the reasons to consider taking up a master’s program in the Philippines are enough to weigh the decision. Below are some of the benefits you can experience by taking the time to study a master’s degree—whether as a full time or part time student.

Increased Industry Credibility

Being considered an expert in your industry can open doors for immense opportunity. From promotions to better employment offers, a master’s degree can qualify you for a better future that comes with your newly established expertise.

Better Compensation

Employers are more likely to pay employees with more learnings under their belt. One of the heaviest hitters for your educational attainment is a masters degree. If you are looking to raise your base pay and create a name for yourself that demands a higher level of compensation befitting your skills, then consider a masters degree as an investment to do so. Read up on more benefits that a master’s program can give here. Now that you know what you stand to gain from a masters degree, get to know the differences between a full time vs part time degree, as well as the pros and cons you should consider.

What Does It Mean to Be a Full-Time Student?

Generally speaking, a fully-loaded semester for a student comprises of roughly twelve credits. A full-time student enrolled in a master’s program like AMA Online Postgrad will often need to take a sabbatical leave or resign altogether in order to dedicate their full efforts into finishing their post-graduate degree.

A sabbatical leave is a paid or unpaid authorized leave from your employer that holds for an extended period of time. Sabbatical leaves are often used to accomplish personal errands like taking care of family affairs or pursuing academic or professional endeavors– making it the perfect choice for professionals that are looking to finish their degrees faster by committing to them full-time.

accountant taking CPD units

Pros of Studying Your Degree Full Time vs Part Time

1. More Focus on Your Studies

Having to balance your full-time profession with your studies can prove to be a challenging time. Prioritizing your coursework over your clients simply is not an option for some professionals, especially those that have tight deadlines to keep. Alleviate the stress that multi-tasking might give you by focusing more on your master’s degree and coming back to your job as a wiser, more credible professional!

2. Shorter Time Required for Study

Being able to finish your studies sooner rather than later is an asset for those that want to shift back their full focus on their careers and families as soon as possible. Opting for a full-time vs part time study can help you finish your degree in a shorter amount of time even in net, so you will not have to juggle time management for as long as a part time masters setup.

Cons of Studying Your Degree Full Time vs Part Time

1. Costs More Upfront

Usually, a full time study engagement can cost more upfront due to the number of units that you take. While opting to go full-time certainly means that you can get through your course, it also means you have more to pay in a smaller time frame.

2. Career Risk

Not all employers welcome the idea of a sabbatical leave, especially given the varying length and ever-changing needs of a company. Taking the time to pursue your studies full time may also put your career progression at risk, so you need to be prepared for any hiccups in your plan and employment situation.

What Does It Mean to Be a Part-Time Student?

Part-time students usually have underloaded semesters to accommodate for their part-time setup. Unlike a full-time student, a part-time student enrolled in a master’s program like AMA Online Postgrad may have no need to take a sabbatical leave or file a resignation in order to accomplish their degree. This is because part-time students are meant to be able to balance their studies with the rest of their responsibilities, like your workplace and family responsibilities.

young asian man working at a coffee shop

Pros of Studying Your Degree Part Time vs Full Time

1. Better Time Management

If you do not enjoy the idea of taking time off of your work just to study, then being a part time student will give you the freedom you need to manage your time while still remaining onboard in your career as an active employee. Balancing between student life and work responsibilities can be difficult, but it can do wonders for developing time management skills.

2. Career Stability

Leaving your full-time job for a full-time education is a risk that not all professionals are comfortable with. Taking a big risk like that leaves a lot to chance, and may leave you with uncertain employment depending on the needs of your company. Being a part-time student lets you keep your position, guaranteeing you a source of income and no job vacancy even as you study.

Cons of Studying Your Degree Part Time vs Full Time

1. Difficult Prioritization

Being honest with yourself is key to mastering a part-time education. And part of this process is knowing that you cannot have two priorities at the number one spot. There will be times that your work life will overshadow your education, and vice versa. Make sure to master the skill of time management, because you will surely need it.

2. Slower Career Progression

Full-time students finish early, meaning they can reap the benefits of their postgraduate studies earlier as well. From better compensation packages and respect from industry contemporaries, part-time students should manage their expectations and be willing to wait for their careers to grow given the longer study period.

We hope that this short guide to Full Time vs Part Time study can help shed light as to which is the better choice for your own priorities and career path. Furthering your education is never an easy task, but taking on your studies from the right platform such as an online distance learning PhD provider can provide some flexibility and leeway in your educational journey.

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