Keep Educating Yourself (KEY)
Build a Better Future with KEY (Keep Educating Yourself)
Enhance Your Knowledge with Short Courses Online
In order to be able to do your best at your job, and create better job prospects for yourself, you will need to keep learning new skills and enhance your knowledge. Learning is a never-ending journey and is the best way you can improve yourself.
But with today’s busy schedule, it can be difficult to find the time to fit in short courses. AMA Post Grad is making it easier for you by offering online learning programs which you can take at your convenience anytime, anywhere.
Learn more about our programs today!
Less time
Our online learning modules are the shortest of all our postgraduate programs, so you can easily fit them into your schedule.
More Affordable
Because they are shorter than a full program, they cost significantly less as well.
Despite the short time spent on our short online courses, we guarantee that each module is packed with information.
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Juan Dela Cruz
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Juan Dela Cruz Programs
Develop an understanding of key financial concepts and processes and understand the fundamentals of sales.
Learn and apply practical theories, concepts, and procedures such as posting transactions, preparing financial reports, and analyzing data.
Hone your abilities in writing articles and emails, perfect your grammar, and receive a TESOL Professional Certification
Expand your knowledge in IT by learning about Excel, network security, mail and web services, work presentation, and software skills.
ETEEAP, or Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program, gives credit to an individual’s job tenure so they can earn their degree.